Chocolate Oat Mug Cake F

Chocolate Oat Mug Cake

  • PREPARATION TIME : 2 minutes
  • COOKING TIME : 2 minutes
  • SERVES : 1
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1 ½ tbsp Grace Instant Oats⁣
1 ½ tbsp Grace Coconut Sugar⁣
1 tbsp oil⁣
3 tbsp milk⁣
3 tbsp flour⁣
¼ tsp baking powder⁣
1 tbsp chocolate spread⁣
Walnuts and cinnamon, to taste⁣

Chocolate Oat Mug Cake M

1) Combine ingredients in a mug and mix well⁣
2) Heat in microwave for 45 seconds – 2 minutes, or until mixture has risen and there is no more liquid⁣