jerk pizza SM

Jamaican Jerk Chicken Pizza!

  • PREPARATION TIME : 5 minutes
  • COOKING TIME : 7-10 minutes
  • SERVES : 1-2 people
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2 tbsp olive oil

200g chicken fillets

1/4tsp Grace Jerk Seasoning

1 tbsp Grace Jerk BBQ sauce

270g pizza crust with tomato sauce

2 garlic cloves, crushed

8 chorizo slices

125g light mozzarella, drained and sliced

8 sub-blushed tomatoes, drained from oil

Handful rocket leaves

1tsp balsamic vinegar

Jerk Seasoning Mild
Jerk BBQ Sauce

1. Heat 2 tsp oil in a pan, add the chicken and Grace Jerk Seasoning and fry for 5 mins. Add the Grace Jerk BBQ sauce and cook for a few more mins.

2. Heat the oven to 220°C, Gas 7, and put in a large baking sheet to warm up.

3. Drizzle the pizza base with 1tsp of the olive oil and sprinkle with the garlic.

4. Arrange the chorizo, cheese and sun-blushed tomatoes and chicken on top. Sprinkle on some sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, then drizzle with the rest of the oil.

5. Put the pizza on the preheated baking sheet and bake for 7-10 mins, until crisp.

6. Top with the rocket leaves and drizzle over the balsamic vinegar, to serve – Enjoy!

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