Recettes d’automne pour savourer pleinement la saison

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Now that summer is over (sigh), you may be struggling to put away your summer hats and adjust the thermostat. We’ve been there…who doesn’t love summer?! Over the past few months, you’ve probably been making family memories, relaxing on the beach, and sipping sangrias or mocktails in the afternoon. We, too, are sad to see the warmer weather leave us; however, we’re always excited about the chance to try out new fall recipes!

Fall is the season of new beginnings: kids are starting a new class and your colleagues are showing off new fall fashion trends. To make the most of the new season and all it has to offer (think: pumpkin, curry, coconut, and spices), we’ve put together a list of fall recipes to try.

Recipes that won’t leave you hungry:

pumpkin soup

• Pumpkin Soup  – A fall classic that will bring you comfort and well-being. Pumpkin soup is a classic!

For this recipe you will need: chicken broth, garlic, onion, Scotch bonnet peppers, pumpkin, Rooster Grace soup mix , thyme, margarine and salt. To learn how to make the recipe, click here.

sweet and spicy lime kettlecorn 028 SM 1

Sweet and Spicy Caramel Lime Popcorn – A delicious appetizer that will whet your (or your guests’) appetite for the main course. It comes together in less than an hour! The coconut is a nice touch that adds a sweet note to balance the spice.

For this recipe you will need: Grace Coconut Oil Grace Coconut Sugar, Baking Soda, Popcorn, Unsalted Peanuts, Lime and a few other ingredients. For the full recipe click here.

Main dishes that will satisfy your hunger:

mac and cheese

• • Spicy Mac and Cheese with Coconut “Bacon” – A vegetarian recipe that we love! Who doesn’t love a good mac and cheese!

For this recipe you will need: Cavatappi, Grace Organic Coconut Milk, Scotch Bonnet Hot Pepper Sauce and Spicy White Cheddar. To see our Mac and Cheese recipe, click here.


Curried Quinoa with Kale and Cauliflower – A nutritious and filling meal that contains tons of fresh vegetables. Plus, it’s vegetarian.

To enjoy this recipe, you will need: cauliflower florets, Grace Organic Coconut Oil, carrots, ginger, dried thyme, paprika, salt, paprika and a few other ingredients. For the recipe, click here.

Desserts that will thrill your taste buds: /strong>

pecan pie

Pecan and Marmalade Pie – Yum! We all know that we have to finish our plates to get to dessert, the crowning glory of the meal! This unique dessert will delight your family and friends and convince them that you are the next culinary revelation.

For this recipe you will need: pie crust, eggs, Grace Organic Coconut Sugar, all-purpose flour, sea salt, marmalade, Grace Coconut Chips and a few other ingredients. To learn how to make the recipe, click here.

pumpkin pie

Pumpkin Coconut Pie – Last but not least! We’re bringing you a fall classic for those with a sweet tooth. The whipped cream is the special touch in this recipe, don’t miss out!

For this recipe you will need: Pure Pumpkin Puree, Grace Organic Coconut Milk, Grace Organic Coconut Sugar, Eggs, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Whipped Cream, Maple Syrup and a few other ingredients. To check out this recipe, click here.

Follow @GraceFoodsCA on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram for fall-themed culinary inspiration and to help you embrace the new season!

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